Posts Tagged 'jessica chin'

absence mAkes the ::heArt:: grow foNder…

more so when you are a mum…

jessica has waited for the day for baby erin to arrive in this world…
and when she did….
she was indeed a small bundle of joy to the family…

and then she grew into a slightly bigger bundle of joy in that couple of months coming to 3…
jessica has to say good bye for now for a while…
which really wasn’t easy…

beAutY -||-prOport!oN-||-

check out baby erin’s eyelashes….


jessica & i did a proportion test..

if we were to have baby erin’s super long eyelashes…
they will be touching our eye bags!!… :O

“hello”…my name is….

& i finally meet baby jessica..

hello erin…..

the dAy of tHe cAlmest bride…

meet justina…
the calmest bride i have ever met in my life..

yeah…it’s pretty amazing..
how she controls or hide her happiness so well…
only when you talk to her…will you feel the butterflies in her stomach..haha.. 😛

630 in the morning…and she’s already halfway through dressing up..

doesn’t like look like movie set??…
stylist working on the actress while the camera man stands by…

i want food..

still no sight of the door breakers..

capturing the moment of moments being captured…

aunti and uncle very calm too..

me and my dearest “jie*”…

and the groom is still not here…
it was in the wind that the magical time is from 630-730am…

i am going for this….
yeah…all the bridesmaid have the honour to escort something…
the little potty…umbrella…bathtub…
(now you know why i would rather look after the chickens)

false alarm…nope..the groom is still not here..

whatever this is….
it’s very very…..very yummy…
the soup stock was amazing…

vi-leo uncle standing by..

make all the faces you want..
it will your turn next… 😉

yeah!!! i got it and quickly ran….

the sun after the rain…
a good sign!!..

father of the bride…
uncle chin…pretending all’s good…
i think he has the biggest butterfly in the stomach..
(besides mother of the bride of course)..

like finally?#!?#?…
it’s about time manz…

your last change to smile before we close the door on you…

first attempt to bribe us…

guess the 1st one didn’t work..

neh….not impressive enough…

i realised the trick is to just be late then you will be let go just so you don’t miss the auspicious time..
lucky you then!! new dad is on your side… :O

you still need to put in some effort to find your wife…

*jie – means sister in chinese dialect…

May 2024

. .. cHiLL ….
