Archive for December, 2009

mArt!Ni!!…30th dec 2009

let’s go diving!!..

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!…29th dec 2009

my favourite beach area…
all peaceful & quiet…

yupz..that’s a training kite out there…
a mini one… 😉

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!…28th dec 2009

loving the clouds that look like candy floss…
miss basking in the sun?.. 😉

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!…27th dec 2009

a crazy collection of tobasco sauce in the forest gump restaurant..

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!..26th dec 2009

sunset with some monkeys on boxing day…

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!…25th dec 2009…

xmas dessert…

* blogged from my iphone..

mArt!Ni!!…24th dec 2009

merry christmas.. 🙂

* blogged from my iphone..

mY **cHristMas orNameNt

loving the laurel..
& the rich history that comes with it…

happy holidays..
another year gone..
another year coming..

looking forward to more fabulous-ity…

lOoooOk wHat i fOund :: ((tHe f!rst sKetches))

while digging through the mountain and sea of things in my room….

i found the first sketches by then cd of fcb – robert gaxiola…
who later became my boss at bates…

yupz..this was all at the beginning….
when i was still taking ias classes and figuring out if advertising was the thing for me..
and this brief i was working on…
was for some sunscreen…(i think)…

meeting || grAce & mr grAce

i have heard so much about him…
the guy who makes my very good friend smile just by the mention of his name…
and finally i meet him today…

and he meets us too..
mona & i..
bridesmaid of grace on their very big day next may….

mona’s lovely idea of lovelinks for this very loving couple…

happy to see the both of them together…
happy to know that my good friend is in very good hands…
happy to be there for them on their very important day…

December 2009

. .. cHiLL ….
