Archive for June, 2008

wHAt others seen on eArth….

another beautiful shot to go onto national geographic…


shot by vincent laforet
“New York City – Secret prize on the urban game board, a miniature garden brightens a Rockefeller Center rooftop seven stories above midtown traffic. Four gardeners labor eight hours a week to keep its lawn and hedges trim.”

this looks so unreal!!!…
it almost feels like it has been taken off google earth….
or something that is being illustrated…

// when you do a random search…

say…for “peanut butter & slime“…

you will find the blog of my fiend and i right on the first one!! woohooooooooooooo!!

well..i might be doing ok in photoshop (all i did was crop.. 😛 )..but nothing beats showing the real stuff..

** i woke up missing something….

missing this…

the serenity…
the calmness…

of just being carefree…

(overRated) // (uNderEstiMated)

the internet…something overrated? or underestimated?

people can be like that too…over sold? or under deliver?

or purely just “i am not good enough”?

have a read at “The internet is sh*t” anyway..the first result in google when you type in “sh*t”. it is funny how google was being condemned in the article but you know what…without google..this website will never be found or seen. unless you are telling me that roald dahl or tolkien is planning to include this url in his next book…

*dream come true?

hmmmm…that’s not too hard to make somebody’s dream come true… 😉 though this isn’t exactly a graphic design blog… 😛

:: wEird but aMusing ::

it’s funny when animals have their own personality and character…somewhat. and their little habits and behaviours.

^^bLooMing dUrianssssssss………

i have seen durian trees but not ever one with any durians on it. and when i saw it yesterday…my oh my…it was blooming durians…lots and lots and lots and lots of them..

the urban myth says that durians only drop at midnight. hmmmmm…that i wouldn’t know. there were 3 durian trees and they are really really tall!! but i could smell the durian in the air…*drool* i wouldn’t want to be waiting under the trees in the dark at night…though i was tempted to come back one night just to see… 😛

i found a very small one in the grass!! and it smells really good!!… :O

{: as Ugly as it can get :}

revisiting the ugly truth that someone once shared with me some time ago. the truth about advertising… as literal…as ugly…and as you can imagine it to be..

wHo was it??

i feel like this is how it is in the club. like sometimes we talk about people meeting people in a party…in a club..etc etc. but do people really meet people? at the end of the day..especially after some just feels like some hand gestures going on…with names and maybe faces forgotten quite quickly the next day.

:: shop responsibly ::

June 2008

. .. cHiLL ….
