Archive for October, 2008

good-bye…my dearest Princess…

princess cinema…
closes her doors last wednesday…
just like that…

my last show with her was “painted skin”..
on the 20th oct 2008..

princess has always been my fastest and nearest getaway for at least the last 6 years…
more or less…
when life becomes more difficult than it should be..
when life gets fickle minded about what it’s going to do to you next…

i was telling myself that night that i will be really sad if they are going to close her down…
that could really be a bad feeling in disguise…
when i visited her today…things didn’t seem right when i saw no movie posters around…
and my bad feeling was further confirmed..

i saw the familiar faces…packing up the last bits of whatever that is left…
uncle’s face was different today…
sensing the sadness in his eyes…

princess cinema…
had a fresh coat of pain not too long ago..

nothing has quite changed since the first time i know her..

i have lay my hands on this screen countless times..
and so did many other people..
even though it is still green words on black screen mode..
it works..
it’s all that matters..

princess 2…
1 of the 3 theaters..

the last time i am going to step in here..
not for any movie..
not for anything more than just wanting to remember how it is like…
to enter a surreal world she brings me to..

show’s over…
that’s right..
reality sets in that she has to be taken down one day..

and the one day is now..

the steps that i feel safe on in the dark..

i could tell that uncle was trying to keep himself busy..
for some strange reason…
i feel the same bitterness…

i never thought i could uncover the secret of where the movies come from..
it certainly is too big a price to pay..
i rather not know..
and be always curious about where the movies come from…

feels like family here…
the home of the many old friends around here..

you won’t imagine that the green movement has been around here for a long time..
these poster stripes are actually being written on the back of old movie posters..

and the lucky numbers on the back of used envelopes..

good bye my dearest princess…
i am sorry that i missed your last day…

thank you for being with me…
taking the roller coaster of life together with me…

tHank you for maKing me…Me aGain.. **


thank you for knowing me…
thank you for working your magic on me again…

love it……love it………….

:: a uNiVerse of tH!ngs ::

“oktober” 2008

the reason why i embrace oktober fest..

count me out on the lagers and dunkel.. 😉


wHen hot air r!ses ””

that’s me fuming from the lamest excuses on earth…
got to keep my image to just the back alley..

it’s amazing some people can live in a denial..
in a delusional world of good words and compliments..
yeah..selective hearing…

well…i choose to bring them back to the ugly reality…

iN tHe m!ddle of tHe n!te…

you wouldn’t believe what i got from 7-11 at 220am last nite…

yeah…new tyr swimming googles..
this ain’t any kiddo funy plastic googles…

these are swimmer’s googles manz..
i have been looking all over for this color…and i can’t believe i actually find it in 7-11.

|| syMMetry…geoMetrY ||

beautiful november cover of wallpaper…
i wonder how long it takes to compose this in actual stage..
each and every item just feels right…
seemed too many but yet not…

i like the area where the circular items overlapped each over..
and also the smaller circular items being placed around here and there…


**iN lOving meMorY of…

the mother of all my hamsters..
fat chick..

i am going miss you sleeping with all your legs in the air..
i am going to miss you roaming the kitchen…
i am going to miss taking food from my fingers…
i am going to miss you having fat cheeks stuffed with all your snacks…

i am going to miss you..
(erm…she’s actually sleeping in this pix)

thank you for bringing me your bundles of joy…(all 13 babies)…
thank you for all the wonderful time we have together..
these 2 years and more…it’s all bonus..

good-bye fat chick…
we will always love you..


mY new dream home**…

i don’t think this is too much to dream for… 😛

“The ‘urokoya’ is a small domestic intervention described as an ‘igloo made of books.’ Fully scaleable, this sleeping enclosure comes with a roof of felt shingles, creating a cosy, book-lined cave.”

books…something i have loads of..
(besides clothes and more clothes)

“best” of sHow?…

craft in typography maybe..

October 2008

. .. cHiLL ….
